Since 1988 our Home has established a Senior Citizens College within the residential home providing learning opportunities for the residents and community-dwelling elders to enhance their life quality and potentialities. The College offers a variety of courses in 3 distinct faculties, namely Arts and Science, Art and Performance, as well as Social Service.

The Arts & Science Faculty introduces students to the study of literature, language and contemporary social science in order to enhance their intelligence and life skills. The Performance & Art Faculty concentrates on developing the individual's talents in art and performance in order to enrich their life style. The Social Service Faculty encourages the older persons to actively participate in services inside and outside the Home so as to nurture their volunteering spirit. A Graduation Ceremony will be held every year for students who have successfully completed the course assignments, attended classes conscientiously, participated actively in class work

Group Dance Class
Percussion Class
Weekend Sing-along Class
Mandarin Sing-along Class
Beading Handicraft class
Handicraft Class
Origami Art Class
Aroma-massage Class
Residents' Council members